The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing people from all walks of life to change many of their habits. As just one example, in Canada firefighters are being told not to use CPAP machines whenever they sleep at the station. Instead, those who suffer from sleep apnea are encouraged to switch to a different form of treatment instead – and in fact, in many cases, that may be a good idea even after the pandemic is over. Read on to learn why a first responder should strongly consider using an oral sleep appliance in Lutz for their own health and the safety of those around them.
(more…)Sleep Better Florida Blog
Should Firefighters Stop Using CPAP?
April 28, 2020
How Vaping Makes It Harder to Get a Good Night’s Rest
March 18, 2020
According to the CDC, use of traditional cigarettes was at an all-time low in 2018 while over 8 million Americans had taken up vaping. Many of them may have taken up e-cigarettes believing them to be safer than burning tobacco. However, nowadays it’s evident that vaping can lead to lung damage, heart problems, and other health issues. And surprisingly enough, it could even have an impact on the quality of your nightly rest – especially if you already had a sleep disorder! To learn more about the connection between vaping and sleep apnea in Lutz, keep reading.
(more…)Why Commercial Truck Drivers with Sleep Apnea Symptoms Should be Tested
February 24, 2020
Truck drivers are the heartbeat of America. They make sure that the vital goods needed to maintain a normal way of life are transported over the many highways that line the country. As a safety precaution, the government sets limits on how long drivers can operate each day (usually 10 hours), but there still remains another obstacle that can place the operators and other drivers at risk: sleep apnea. People who suffer from the condition experience frequent bouts of sleep interruptions throughout the night because of stoppages in breathing. If you’re a truck driver who snores loudly or feels drowsy during the day, you could be dealing with sleep apnea in Lutz. Keep reading to learn what the usual symptoms are and why it’s so important to be tested.
(more…)How Secondhand Smoke Can Ruin Your Child’s Nightly Slumber
January 17, 2020
Smoking doesn’t just put you in danger; it can also have a devastating effect on your loved ones. Children who breathe in secondhand smoke could suffer from asthma attacks, respiratory infections, heart disease, and other life-threatening conditions. However, you may not even realize that the smoke could also stop them from sleeping soundly and getting the rest that they need to grow up healthy and strong. Keep reading to learn how your smoking could be linked to your little one’s obstructive sleep apnea in Lutz.
(more…)Could Sleeping Pills Help Your Sleep Apnea?
December 16, 2019
Roughly 30% of adults will suffer from insomnia at some point in their lives. If you’ve been having trouble getting to sleep, you might be thinking of buying sleeping pills in Lutz. While this can help in some cases, there are situations where the medicine will just make things worse – namely, if your insomnia is a side effect of sleep apnea. To understand why a sleep aid could do more harm than good for your disordered breathing – as well as safer, more effective treatments – keep reading to learn more.
(more…)7 Essential Oils That Can Actually Help You Sleep Better Tonight
November 5, 2019
You may have heard of aromatherapy in the past, as it has become increasingly popular over the past decade. However, did you know that it has been practiced for literally thousands of years? When it comes to getting a better night’s sleep, it turns out that there are many different scents for you to consider. To learn more about using essential oils for sleep in Lutz and which ones you should be using before bed tonight, keep reading!
(more…)A Good Night’s Sleep: The Best Way to Recover from a Long Workout
August 6, 2019
Have you set a new fitness goal for the summer? You might be surprised to learn that it’s not the actual exercise that’ll make you stronger; it’s the recovery period afterwards that benefits your body. And for most people, there’s no better recovery than plenty of sleep! Learn why a good night’s rest is the best follow-up for your exercise routine – and how sleep apnea in Lutz can get in the way.
(more…)Don’t Let Sleep Apnea in Lutz Disrupt Your Sleep Cycle
July 30, 2019
For the longest time, scientists thought sleeping was as simple as the body shutting down to recover after a long day. Nowadays, we know that there’s actually quite a lot going on while you’re getting your well-earned rest. Sleep is a multi-stage process, and completing each step is important for keeping your body and mind running at full capacity. Learn what’s happening every night while you’re asleep – and why sleep apnea in Lutz can threaten this cycle.
(more…)How Can Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Lutz Impact Your Pregnancy?
June 26, 2019
Being an expectant mother can be stressful because you’re constantly worried about taking the best possible care of yourself and the little one you’re about to welcome into the world. You may be frustrated because it’s getting increasingly harder to sleep through the night with your growing belly and baby. Over three-quarters of expectant mothers experience disrupted sleep while they’re pregnant, so you’re not alone. Because obstructive sleep apnea in Lutz can deprive your body of oxygen, it can cause harm to your baby and yourself—making it even more important to diagnose and treat. Read on to learn more about obstructive sleep apnea and pregnancy.
(more…)How Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Lutz Can Affect Pregnant Women
April 8, 2019
As an expectant mother, you have a million thoughts racing through your mind in regard to protecting your unborn child. By being properly informed, though, you can better protect the fetus and enhance your overall wellness, too. One area of concern is proper sleep. Thus, if you feel a constant deficiency in this area, you could be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea in Lutz. If so, it’s important that you be examined and receive the necessary therapy. Read on to learn about this condition and how it can impact the health of you and your unborn baby.